BURKS CHAPEL African Methodist Episcopal CHURCH
Available Motivated Equipped Christians
We stand to Praise God, We sit to learn, and We kneel to pray.
Please excuse our mess, this website is under construction.
Dear Burks Chapel real life members
Please send an email from the email address you want listed with your member profile, Please provide your name, so it can be checked with church records to verify everyone's identity. Our privacy in our online church is to match that of sitting in our Sacred Sanctuary.
You will receive invites and further instructions at the email address you have provided.
We are the members of Burks Chapel African Methodist E[episcopal Church

In 1786 Richard Allen and Absalom Jones attended St George's Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia the membership consisted of white and black members, but during a meeting of the white men it was decided that the black members must sit in the balcony. On a Sunday morning in 1786 while worshipers were on their knees in prayer, ushers tapped the black worshipers on the shoulders and demanded they go to the balcony.
They did not, the black members walked out, they formed their own congregation and in 1816 a new denomination was formed know as the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
The year of our Lord 2021 brings us to a new age of a connectional church. During the construction of this website just like any other building site, its the worker bees typing until its ready to use and present the content. The content is directed by Church Leadership approved of by the membership of Burks Chapel which has ownership of the domain name Burkschapel.org